Part 3/4 of the Roadtrippin’ Series
As the Yosemite National Park was such a nice experience, we continued our trip with the Sequoia National Park. After some beautiful miles and many songs we arrived at the park with the biggest tree in the world (not tallest or widest, but biggest in volume), the “General Sherman”. Our first hike of the day brought us to this General Sherman and many other huge trees. They look not that big in the pictures, but I can assure you that they are gigantic in real life. =)

Moro Rock
Around three years ago I was lodging at Moro Bay, a town right at the Pacific coast. Now it was time to climb the Moro Rock in the Sequoia National Park. This rock is a huge boulder that is very steep to climb, but offers a spectacular view of the surrounding area.
Obviously, we had to drive through the log with our car before we left the park at the South entrance. Coincidentally, a German couple with its child that previously stayed at the same motel at new Yosemite stayed in the same motel again with us.