Once upon a time in the Silicon Valley, two temporary immigrants rented a very fancy carriage. This carriage was carried by a few hundred horses. Together, the two enjoyed the the sun on their skin and the wind through their hairs. Let me tell y’all their story…
Travel Southwards
The tale about the adventure of our two brave heroes begins with a more or less heavy hangover (you can’t just stop partying the night before because you have to get up a few hours later!). Some minutes later than planned the two left their residence to a place where the sky carriages land to pick up their land-based carriage which is drawn by hundreds of hungry mechanical horses cleverly hidden beneath its hood.
Henry Fords descendants himself built their carriage. Most probably inspired from the many horses inside, the creators named their masterpiece Mustang. After having secured the keys to this wonderful vehicle our two heroes started their actual journey where the path was the goal. To begin, they drove southwards on the highway 1 bordering the foggy sea. The weather gods thought it might be funny to place some kind of over-sized fog-sausage along the coast. Thus, our two protagonists decided to ditch the sea and start enjoying the blazing sun some meters away from the coast (literally half a mile away from the coast there was a blue sky – perfect open-carriage weather).

Raceway Laguna Seca
After many, many miles of joyful riding through the countryside they ended up at a gathering place of fast four-wheel vehicles. This place is best known as Raceway Laguna Seca (near Monterey). Luckily for them, there was a super-carriages gathering. They were able to see the finals of some local semi-professional league that day. Our protagonists parked in the paddock (Fahrerlager) and started exploring the track and its surroundings from there. They watched a few fierce battles unfolding on the circular street. Afterwards, two decided to be on the road again themselves.

The long driving demanded not only a refilling of the miracle fuel of out carriage. The bodies of our two adventurers craved for a power-refill as well. As the day was not yet ripe for a full-sized refill they settled on a cool and sweet blood sugar boost. They found this glacial refreshment at the Monterey Waterfront. With new-found strength, our heroes re-entered their carriage and drove on the famous 17-mil-drive. Unfortunately, this drive was unable to show all its beauty with all the fog hanging around. Nevertheless, our journeymen enjoyed their ride and returned happy and hungry to Monterey.
At the same time the sun said goodbye to that place of the world, their carriage presented its hidden beauty to the world. Some sparkles of that beauty made it to the picture collection below.

Monterey Aquarium
The second day of their journey started with a brunch at a well-visited and well-recommended establishment. Strengthened by their meal, our two adventurers continued their exploration. They went to a place of great deepness and wetness. They arrived early to hopefully miss as many of the screaming, small and literally immature persons (children). Surprisingly, the two met a co-worker in the queue before entering the aquarium. Both protagonists enjoyed their stay very much, the size of the aquarium is almost perfect: Small enough to comfortable walk everything but big enough to deliver a huge variety of fish and other sea creatures.

Travel Northwards
After the conclusion of their journey to the deep with dry feet our heroes decided to put their carriage to use and they began their trip northwards again, but with a lot of detours. It seems like the native people of that land enjoy driving, but only on big roads. Most of the small roads, especially when they are hilly and curvy, are empty and the enjoyment reached unimaginable heights when the two of them cruised on them in their topless carriage. Unfortunately, all journeys must come to and end sooner or later and the end of the journey of our two little heroes came to an end sooner rather than later. They knew that watching the sunset at the Pacific coast will be risky if they want to return their vehicle on time, but they managed to return it in time (with a little bit of sporty driving) =)

In the meantime our adventurers did a lot of other things worth writing down, but I don’t know when I’ll have time again to do that. Especially, because in less than two days I’ll be visited by two other brave souls and we’ll be on a week long journey. And I have the feeling that I don’t need to write a blog post to keep me entertained =)